I encourage everyone on here to make informed statements based on forethought and fact. Writing in response to some other tweets on the same topic, Draiman posted, “ One of the biggest problems with Internet culture is people’s tendency to write whatever, without thinking it through properly beforehand. Check out this site if you are being bullied: And Pulse of Radio reports Disturbed frontman David Draiman took to Twitter on Wed (Jan 18th) to comment on anti-social online behavior such as hate speech and cyber-bullying. He went crying to school, I had to go to the principal’s office, but he stopped bothering me after that! Now I’m not saying it’s ok to be violent, but today things are different. Until one day, I made a snowball and stuck a piece of a broken icicle in it. We’d take the same route to grade school every day and one winter, he threw snowballs at me that really hurt.
I remember when I was a kid, there was a boy who really was a bully.
It really saddens me to see how many listeners send in emails saying they need advice because they are being bullied.